14.August - 20:00 Uhr Maja Jaku Band
„Soul Searching“ Maja Jaku Band with young rising jazz star Alan Bartus (piano) Dusan Simovic (b.) Klemens Marktl (dr.)
Karriereschub für eine außergewöhnliche Künstlerin. Die Wahlgrazerin Maja Jaku ist eine Kämpferin. … die beste Jazz- und Soulsängerin des Landes nun endlich vor einer internationalen Karriere zu stehen.
For an escape into beautiful Soul-driven sound which celebrates living in the moment while enlightening you to the future which may await you, enter the voice of Austrian vocalist Maja Jaku who leaves a soothing impression across her groovy originals and covers. This emerging talent is the answer to shine positive light upon the world as her performance touches the eardrum in a gentle way but powerful as well to drive messages of hope, joy and a better tomorrow....